Monday, August 4, 2008

Help with bad acne and moisturizer acne

For best outcome, the blue light treatment goes together with the red light application, which activates the very essential energy-transporter, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), in the cells of the skin. This combination of blue and red light reduces the number of acne spots by approximately 75%.
Sounds complicated, all you want to do is clear up your acne. Well all that it means is that people are now looking at natural cures and remedies to deal with their acne problems. Which is very understandable because to young and old, acne can cause widespread problems ranging from the physical to the mental and the emotional. A person with this condition can become self-conscious, introverted and shy away from social situations. It can also have an affect on things like job interviews, exam performance, holidays - you name it, whenever the a person with this condition needs to engage with others, there can be problem.
Acne home remedy – Oatmeal can be effectively used to treat acne scars. There are lots of nutrients in oatmeal that are beneficial for the skin. Take oatmeal in a small quantity and cook it. Now let it cool and apply a paste of it to your face. Leave the paste for few minutes before you rinse it off using warm water.
tags: what causes cystic acne, removing acne scars from face, scalp acne

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